Welcome, you are now part of the team to end poverty.
Poverty concerns us all: it directly affects 1.2 billion people. On this website, you will find many ideas and activities to help reduce poverty
| Recent activities:
24,400 fill arena for Match Against Poverty
With a final score of 5-4, UNDP won the 2011 Match Against Poverty against HSV in Hamburg, Germany, on 13 December, 2011 before more than 24,000 spectators. The match was broadcast live in more than 25 countries.
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The Initiative :
"Teams to end Poverty" is a global communication initiative designed to involve the general public in anti-poverty actions. It has been launched by UNDP.
Faces of Poverty :
More than 1.2 billion people in this world are living on less than 1 dollar a day. Yet, the world now has the capacity to overcome poverty.
Millennium Development Goals:
In September 2000, the 189 member states of the UN have selected 8 goals to rid the world of poverty...
Quizz |
Test your knowledge on poverty with our quizz |
By 2020, some African countries could lose over a quarter of their population to AIDS
LeBron James & Maria Sharapova together against poverty |