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Teams to end poverty

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Take action in a developing country
 Bridderlech Deelen asbl
 Caritas Luxembourg
 Eng Bréck Mat Lateinamerika asbl
 Entwécklong Durch Gerechten Handel asbl
 Frères des Hommes-FDH-LUX
 Hëllef fir Rosario
 Medecins sans Frontières
 Objectif Tiers Monde asbl-OTM
 Pharmaciens Sans Frontières
 Pro Niños Pobres asbl
 SOS Faim
 SOS Sahel International asbl

Take action in your own country
 ATD Quart Monde Luxembourg asbl
 Croix Rouge Luxembourgeoise

How to take action
With whom to act
Every year, more than 500,000 women die during pregnancy or in childbirth.
United Nations Development Programme
print website by kena