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Teams to end poverty

Take action

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Take action in a developing country
 Bridderlech Deelen asbl
 Caritas Luxembourg
 Croix Rouge Luxembourgeoise
 Eng Bréck Mat Lateinamerika asbl
 Fondation Luxembourgeoise Raoul Follereau
 Frères des Hommes-FDH-LUX
 Hëllef fir Rosario
 Medecins sans Frontières
 Pharmaciens Sans Frontières
 Pro Niños Pobres asbl

Take action in your own country
 Caritas Luxembourg
 Croix Rouge Luxembourgeoise
 Femmes en Détresse asbl

How to take action
With whom to act
2.4 billion people do not have satisfactory sanitation facilities
United Nations Development Programme
print website by kena