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Teams to end poverty

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Take action in a developing country
 Action Solidarité Tiers Monde asbl
 Appui au Développement Autonome
 Caritas Luxembourg
 Eng Bréck Mat Lateinamerika asbl
 Fondation Luxembourgeoise Raoul Follereau
 Frères des Hommes-FDH-LUX
 Indesch Patenschaften asbl
 Objectif Tiers Monde asbl-OTM
 Pro Niños Pobres asbl
 SOS Faim
 SOS Faim-Action pour le Développement asbl
 SOS Sahel International asbl
 Transfair-Minka asbl

Take action in your own country
 Femmes en Détresse asbl

How to take action
With whom to act
Over a billion people live on less than a dollar a day
United Nations Development Programme
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