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Teams to end poverty

The partners: cities

World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty

The World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty (WACAP) is a network of city governments, formed at the initiative of the UNDP. The Alliance offers participants an opportunity to exchange experiences, strengthen local capacity and promote city to city co-operation. It was created to give a new impetus to the fight against poverty.
Because municipalities are close to people, they are well-placed to express the fundamental values of our societies. The cities interlinked by the Alliance have all ratified the “Appeal of Cities Against Poverty”, which calls on all our societies, on every individual and public or private institution, to make the fight against poverty a priority.
The network does not impose obligations, but opens possibilities for exchanges of information and experience and co-operation. Its intention is not to replace existing associations of cities, but to work with them. It also offers member cities access to the expertise of the agencies of the UN in the field of poverty reduction.


We, cities of all countries, cities of a world in which poverty still kills thousands of human beings every day, endangers natural resources indispensable to life, and compromises the future of all the planet's children, request:
that our societies make the fight against poverty an absolute priority;
that to do so they mobilize more human resources as well as the additional national and international financial means needed while assuring the transparency of their use;
that they give substance to the commitments made by the heads of State and government of every continent during the World Summit for Social Development and to the programme of action adopted by the international community on that occasion;
that they take up this challenge together, in an enduring partnership.
It is a matter of human dignity.


A city makes its co-operation official by signing the “Appeal of Cities Against Poverty” to give weight to the mobilisation of human and financial resources, and pooling its resources with those of other cities towards global information campaigns to overcome poverty, through the purchase of ‘shares’ in the Alliance. Cities’endorsement of the appeal, and desire to purchase shares, should be communicated to UNDP at the following address:

World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty
Palais des Nations,
CH 1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland


    Algeria: Alger Boumerdes
    Argentina: Rosario
    Armenia: Yerevan
    Austria: Klagenfurt Wien
    Belgium: Antwerpen Bastogne Bruxelles Ghent Huy Liege Mechelen Mouscron
    Benin: Cotonou Lokossa
    Bolivia: Cochabamba
    Brazil: Rio de Janeiro
    Burkina Faso: Bobo-Dioulasso Dedougou Ouagadougou
    Cambodia: Pnom Penh
    Cape Verde: Praia
    Chad: N'Djamena
    Colombia: Bucaramanga Medellin
    Costa Rica: San Isidro de Perez Zeledon
    Denmark: Herning Horsens Ishøj Kolding Nykøbing Falster
    Egypt: Ismailia
    El Salvador: Ciudad Delgado
    Finland: Helsinki Jyväskylä Kemi Kotka Laapeenranta Pietarsaari Pori Savonlinna Turku Vaasa
    France: Besançon Lyon cedex Marseille Nîmes Paris
    Gabon: Libreville
    Gambia: Kanifing
    Georgia: Tbilisi
    Germany: Bonn Frankfurt am Main München
    Ghana: Accra
    Guinea Bissau: Bissau
    Ireland: Dublin
    Italy: Brentonico Fornace Quarrata Roma Rovereto Tassullo Trento
    Jamaica: Kingston Montego Bay
    Kenya: Mombasa
    Kuwait: Kuwait City
    Lebanon: Ghobeiry Beyrouth
    Mali: Bamako
    Mauritania: Nouakchott
    Monaco: Monaco-City
    Morocco: Marrakech Tetouan Rabat-Agdal
    Norway: Fredrikstad Lillehammer Tromsø
    Pakistan: Bhera Lahore
    Portugal: Lisboa
    Republic of Uganda: Kampala
    Senegal: Dakar
    South Africa: Durban Johannesburg
    Spain: Barcelona Bermeo Madrid
    Sweden: Uppsala
    Switzerland: Bern Delemont Fribourg Geneva La Chaux-de-Fonds Neuchâtel Sion Thun Zurich
    Tanzania: Arusha Dodoma Iringa Mbeya Morogoro Moshi Mwanza Tabora Tanga
    The Gambia: Banjul Brikama
    The Netherlands: Bloemendaal Breda Heerlen Hertogenbosch Rotterdam The Hague
    The Philippines: Cebu City
    Togo: Amalme Atakpame Badou Dapaong Guerin-Kouka Kpalime Lome Sokode Tabligbo Tandjouare Tsevie Vogan
    Turkey: Adana Bursa Esenyurt Izmit
    United Arab Emirates: Dubai
    United Kingdom: Aberdeen Liverpool Norwich Nottingham Stratford-upon-Avon
    USA: Atlanta
    Vietnam: Hanoi
    Zambia: Lusaka

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The initiative
In sub-Saharan Africa, one person in three suffers from chronic hunger
United Nations Development Programme
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