Faces of poverty
More than 1.2 billion people in this world are living on less than 1 dollar a day. Yet, the world now has the capacity and the means to overcome poverty
Poverty cannot just be defined in economic terms (one fifth of the world's population live in absolute poverty, with less than a dollar a day). Poverty is also defined in terms of malnutrition, shorter life expectancy, lack of access to clean water and sanitation, illness, illiteracy, lack of access to school, culture, health care, credit or assets.
Yet, we are the first generation in history that has the capacity and the means to overcome poverty. Wealth per capita is at its historical peak (average per capita purchasing power has been multiplied by three during the last 50 years), science has made unprecedented strides, communication networks and transportation are in place as are the institutions required.
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Some of the "faces" of poverty:
Environment |
Women and poverty |
| Facts and figures on poverty
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