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Teams to end poverty


If there were only 100 of us living on this earth, then the 20 richest would consume nearly 90% of the wealth and the 20 poorest just 1%

Unemployment, underemployment or badly-paid employment have a direct effect on people’s ability to secure vital needs - food, health, drinking water, energy, and so forth. People who have been thrust aside or marginalised sometimes lose their self-respect and in the long-term risk being excluded from the social and cultural life of their community. Without money, people’s lives are severely restricted and often they are caught in a vortex: with no job and not enough money coming in, it is practically impossible to get on in life and escape from poverty.

If there were only 100 of us living in this world, the 20 richest would earn 74 times more than the 20 poorest

"The best way to eradicate poverty is to start spending more money on creating jobs in poor countries. Jobs = Income = Self-support = Zero Poverty."
Kieron, 11

more info

More info on poverty
Facts and figures on poverty
Food and water
Social exclusion
Women and poverty
2.8 billion people – nearly half the world population – live on less than 2 dollars a day.
United Nations Development Programme
print website by kena