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Teams to end poverty


If there were only 100 of us on this earth, 14 would have no right to basic health services

When it comes to health services, no country in the world treats the poor the same as the rest of the population. This is all the more true in the developing countries. Ignorance (meaning lack of education or information) leads a good number of poor people to make inappropriate choices of medicines and food. At work, sickness or poor general health diminishes productivity and may lead to loss of employment. At school, children have lower learning capacity. Insufficient information and inadequate access to proper treatment are making AIDS far worse in poor countries.

If there were only 100 people living in this world, 13 would die aged 40

"In many poor countries, people die because they lack medical care. There is a need for more doctors in the countries and it is, therefore, necessary to train locals. I also think that medecines are too expensive. Governements must decide to lower their prices."
Carolie, 12

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More info on poverty
Facts and figures on poverty
Food and water
Social exclusion
Women and poverty
20% of the world population possess 90% of global wealth
United Nations Development Programme
print website by kena